Lit’l Crabie, a little red crab, has been tossed around by the ocean. Lit’l Crabie is not feeling well and is looking for a warm place to rest.  Lit’l Crabie finds solace in a shell that has been sitting on the beach under the nice warm sun.  Lit’l Crabie climbs inside and feels much better.

Lit’l Crabie was inspired by my youngest son who had terrible colic and a milk allergy.  When searching for something to comfort him I found nothing at the time.  I then made The Comfort Crab. 

The Comfort Crab is a small red stuffed crab with a shell on top.  Inside the crab is a hot/cold gel pack that can be heated or frozen depending on the child’s discomfort.  Inside the shell is a pocket for aromatherapy, i.e., a tea bag or fresh herbs such as a lavender sachet.  The hot/cold gel packs help the herbs release their fragrance bringing comfort to the child. 

The book was self-published before the world of self-publishing took off and is no longer available. The poem from the book accompanies Lit’l Crabie now.